| Amphetamine98 a întrebat:

Buna TPUwinking! am reformatat pc`u si acum nu`mi mai merge messengerul..toate site-urile imi merg in afara de messenger si nu stiu de ce..am incercat toate versiunile si nu merge imi zice " We Can`t sign you in to Yahoo Messenger! There might be a problem with your Internet connection. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet.Click Troubleshoot to begin a series of tests to try to diagnose the connection problem." si am dat click pe troubleshoot dar degeaba tot nu mergestraight face si cablul de la internet este conectat...dar nu stiu de ce nu merge..Va rog sa ma ajutati! Dau fundita Cui imi rezolva problema! :*:*:*

17 răspunsuri:
| Shatteredx a răspuns:

Www.yahoo.com merge?
Nu merge cu un restart la pc?
Nici cu un repair la network?
daca iti merg celalalte pagini si yahoo-ul nu...s-ar putea ori sa fie de la ei, ori de la furnizoru tau, poate pe maine se rezolva, daca nu merge cu restart sau repair tot ce poti face este sa astepti :|

| alexutzushoby67 a răspuns:

Salut.Incearca sa instalezi Abdone flash player.

| Shatteredx a răspuns:

Intra in messenger, da-i in stanga sus la messenger > connection preferences si selecteaza Connect directly to internet

| Shatteredx a răspuns:

Ar mai fi un lucru, sa-ti dezactivezi firewallul, depinde de ce windows ai. Din start, control panel, dai acolo la firewall si il dezactivezi, nu stiu exact sa-ti spun ca nu am XP. Daca ai windows 7 ultimate iti spun cum.

| carmenatyla5689 a răspuns (pentru Shatteredx):

Exact bine zici happy si mie mi-a fost asa faci cum zice Shatteredx

| Amphetamine98 explică (pentru alexutzushoby67):

Il am instalat

| Amphetamine98 explică (pentru Shatteredx):

Am dezinstalat firewallul si tot nu mergestraight face

| Shatteredx a răspuns (pentru Amphetamine98):

O sa te cred pe cuvant ca l-ai dezinstalat, cum mi-a spus si o tipa odata. Esti sigura ca ti l-ai dezactivat? "Da, suta la suta, nu asta e problema". Ma duc la ea acasa sa vad, dau sa pornesc winampul si ghici ce? "Are you sure you want to allow winamp..etc etc?"
Spune-mi ce folosesti Windows XP, 7, vista, ce?

| Shatteredx a răspuns:

Sper ca stii putina engleza. Urmeaza pasii happy

To configure Internet Explorer:

Close all applications including your web browsers.
Click "Start."
Select "Control Panel."
Click on "Network and Internet" then click "Internet Options." If the Control Panel is in classic mode, double-click "Internet Options."
Click the "Security" tab, then select "Trusted Sites."
Click "Default Level," then click "Sites."
Clear the check box option for "Require server verification (httpshappy for all sites in this zone."
In the "Add this website to the zone" field, enter the following:


Note: Please be sure to include the asterisk star in front of ".yahoo.com."
Click "Add," then click "Close."
Select the "Privacy Tab" and click "Default" to ensure "Medium" is selected.
Click the "Advanced" tab (this is not the Advanced button).
Locate the "Browsing" category.

Select the following check box options:

Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)
Disable Script Debugging (Other)

Clear the following check box options:

Display a notification about every script error
Re-use windows for launching shortcuts

Select the "General" tab.
Click "Settings" in the section of "Browsing History."
Click the option marked "Every time I visit the webpage." Then click "OK."
Click "Delete" in the section of "Browsing History."
Click "Delete all" to delete the Temporary Internet Files and cookies from Internet Explorer (this is clearing your browser's "cache" of stored files).
Select the check box option for "Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons" and click "Yes" to remove your Temporary Internet Files.
Click "Apply," then Click "OK" to close the Internet Options window.

It is also possible that there may be an issue with the version of Java which you have installed on your system and you may need to update your version of Java.

To fix that, download and install java for Internet Explorer.

| Amphetamine98 explică (pentru Shatteredx):

Windows xp

| Shatteredx a răspuns (pentru Amphetamine98):

Fa ce scrie mai sus atunci

| Amphetamine98 explică (pentru Shatteredx):

Am facut tot ce mi-ai zis si tot nu mergestraight face

| Shatteredx a răspuns (pentru Amphetamine98):

Imi pare rau atunci. Asteapta, poate cineva va veni cu un raspuns care te va ajuta.
Sau poate nu va veni happy
Noapte buna.

| Amphetamine98 explică (pentru Shatteredx):

Mersi frumos pentru ajutorhappy Noapte buna

| Criss003 a răspuns:

Exact asa imi zice si mie. si ma enerveaza

| Dolca_Petru_1982 a răspuns:

Regleaza data si ora si merge.

| Iancu_Gabriel_1994 a răspuns:

Abdone flash player. instalează