Întrebare recomandată | mentholinks a întrebat:

Cum sa ma pregatesc psihic pentru o noua zi de munca?

6 răspunsuri:
| DomnuTrandafir a răspuns:

Nu muncesti nu halesti

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| sadrian46 a răspuns:

Depinde dacă îți place munca care o faci sau nu.

| Burca_Ariana_1998 a răspuns:

Asta depinde foarte mult de tine si de anumite obiceiuri care va relaxeaza dar un episod din The office urmat de o baie lunga calda nu cred ca nu ajuta, sau o carte buna insotita de un ceai calmant

| BogdanRoxanaDove a răspuns:


Stiu un exercitiu care te poate ajuta.
Este un exercitiu de concentrare care te duce intr-o stare de recunostinta.
Il am in limba engleza (sper ca e ok pentru tine)

Eu il folosesc de ani de zile.
Mult noroc si sper sa iti fie de folos.

Controlling your state by asking the right questions

1). What are you really most happy about in your life now?

What about that makes you happy?
How does that make you feel?

(Feel the feeling - explore that feeling - describe it ) - What else makes you happy? (Repeat 3 times the first exercise)

2). What are you really excited in your life now?
What about that makes you excited?
How does that make you feel?

3). What are you really grateful for in your life right now?
What about that makes you feel grateful?
How does that make you feel?

4). What are you really proud of in your life now?
What about that makes you feel proud?
How does that make you feel?

5) Who do you love most in your life now?
Who loves you?
How does that make you feel?
What about that person you love?

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Cauta-ti un job care-ti place si nu va mai trebui sa te pregatesti psihic pentru o noua zi de munca.