| RAY a întrebat:

Eu am o intrebare religioasa, acum 2018 ani un personaj iisus venea cu o noua invatatura, pe vremea aia farisei erau impotriva ei, intrebarea e cine sunt farisei de azi? cei care urmeaza invatatura biserici ortodoxe sau cei care urmeaza invatatura sectelor aparute in ultimele secole?

Shuriken cand isi bati joc de aproapele tau nu demonstrezi invatatura lui iisus, in fapt iisus spunea ferice de cei blanzi si umili ca a lor este imparatia domnului

35 răspunsuri:
| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru RAY):

China a mentinut puterea politica, iar partidul s-a convertit de fapt la capitalism.

| RAY explică (pentru doctorandus):

Hai sa revenim la iisus, care biserica crezi ca se potriveste cu invataturile lui iisus?

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Cred ca daca Isus ar reveni azi s-ar recunoaste mai degraba in talibani decat in evanghelici, catolici sau ortodocsi.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru RAY):

"Most televangelists, popular Christian preacher icons, and heads of those corporations that we call megachurches share an unreflective modern view of Jesus--that he translates easily and almost automatically into a modern idiom. The fact is, however, that Jesus was not a person of the twenty-first century who spoke the language of contemporary Christian America (or England or Germany or anywhere else). Jesus was inescapably and ineluctably a Jew living in first-century Palestine. He was not like us, and if we make him like us we transform the historical Jesus into a creature that we have invented for ourselves and for our own purposes.

Jesus would not recognize himself in the preaching of most of his followers today. He knew nothing of our world. He was not a capitalist. He did not believe in free enterprise. He did not support the acquisition of wealth or the good things in life. He did not believe in massive education. He had never heard of democracy. He had nothing to do with going to church on Sunday. He knew nothing of social security, food stamps, welfare, American exceptionalism, unemployment numbers, or immigration. He had no views on tax reform, health care (apart from wanting to heal leprosy), or the welfare state. So far as we know, he expressed no opinion on the ethical issues that plague us today: abortion and reproductive rights, gay marriage, euthanasia, or bombing Iraq. His world was not ours, his concerns were not ours, and--most striking of all--his beliefs were not ours.

Jesus was a first-century Jew, and when we try to make him into a twenty-first century American we distort everything he was and everything he stood for."
― Bart D. Ehrman, Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth

| RAY explică (pentru doctorandus):

Mai ales sectancti care blasfemeaza biblia si se cred crestini pe langa asta au un comportament pacatos e putin spus