| robitza123 a întrebat:

Va rog sa nu radeti de mine dar vreau sa imi scrieti si mie cateva sau daca se poate toate simboluri din astea de ex:
big grin

Răspuns Câştigător
| xBianca333x a răspuns:

Se numesc emoticoane :)

6 răspunsuri:
| GigelFaraNumar a răspuns:

Pai : :3,, straight face, :-|, :O, :*, tongue, etc

| mirceadenis a răspuns:

happy sadwinking :b bee rolling on the floor talk to the hand no talking call me money eyes

| Barbiiiedoll a răspuns:

sad, happy, big grin, puppy dog eyes,winking, love struck, laughing,batting eyelashes,hee hee.

| LuckyCharm1 a răspuns:

Aceste simboluri se numesc emoticoane.
big grin
big hug
puppy dog eyes

| Moise_Lavinia_1987 a răspuns:

happy.o.O :3

| mirceadenis a răspuns:

Mai jos puteti vedea toate fetele de la yahoo messenger
Boxeaza ~^o^~ Boxeazã
Bãtut bine ‘@^@||| Bãtut
Omleta []--- Omletã
Pizza ^o^||3 Pizza
Pace :-(||> Pace
Inghetat ‘+_+ Înghetat
Caldura :::^^::: Caldurã
Muzica o|^_^|o Muzicã
Sick Emoticons :puke! Sick
Asta oare ce face? o|\~ Habar n`am
So` stricat de cap o|:-) Dilãu`
Halterofil []==[] Halterofil
Bate Cinciu :-)/\:-) Hi 5
Gamer sadgame) Gamer
Sherlock Holmes ‘@-@ Sherlock
Sãtana :->~~ Sãtana
Învãt ?@_@? Învãt
Mã antrenez la tv sadtv) Plictisit
Ia un cadou de ziua ta &[] Cadou
Fa un dus cã puti %||:-{ Dus
Tu ce zici ca e? %*-{ Ceva o fi?
Astia se bat pentru tine sadfight) E razboi
Sa sti cã n-am fost eu it wasn't me N`am fost eu
Foarte tare bai nene thumbs up Foarte tare
pirate* pirate* pirate*
it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me
thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
thumbs down thumbs down thumbs down
rock on! \m/ rock on!
hurry up! :! hurry up!
I don't want to see I don't want to see I don't want to see
puppy dog eyes puppy dog eyes puppy dog eyes
not listening not listening not listening
I don't know thinking I don't know
daydreaming - day dreaming daydreaming -
time out - time out time out -
wave - wave wave -
at wits' end - at wits' end at wits' end -
call me - call me call me -
on the phone - on the phone on the phone -
star star star
oh go on oh go on oh go on
not worthy not worthy not worthy
chatterbox chatterbox chatterbox
yin yang yin yang yin yang
april april april
billy billy billy
hiro hiro hiro
hee hee hee hee hee hee
bring it on bring it on bring it on
dancing \dancing dancing
shame on you shame on you shame on you
peace sign peace sign peace sign
feeling beat up feeling beat up feeling beat up
whistling whistling whistling
money eyes money eyes money eyes
praying praying praying
frustrated frustrated frustrated
alien alien alien
bug bug bug
skull skull skull
idea idea idea
coffee coffee coffee
pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin
flag flag flag
good luck good luck good luck
rose rose rose
chicken chicken chicken
monkey monkey monkey
cow cow cow
pig pig pig
cowboy tongue phbbbbt
sigh sigh sigh
waiting waiting waiting
liar liar liar
hypnotized hypnotized hypnotized
nailbiting nail biting nailbiting
applause applause applause
d'oh d'oh d'oh
thinking thinking thinking
drooling drooling drooling
yawn yawn yawn
party happy devil
whew! whew! whew!
worried worried worried
cool cool cool
smug smug smug
angry angry angry
surprise surprise surprise
broken heart broken heart broken heart
kiss kiss kiss
tongue tongue tongue
blushing blushing blushing
love struck love struck love struck
confused confused confused
big hug big hug big hug
batting eyelashes batting eyelashes batting eyelashes
big grin big grin big grin
winking winking winking
sad sad sad
happy happy happy