| pablo69benidorm a întrebat:

Sunt spaniolă și eu doresc să învețe limba română

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Ce se întâmplă dacă cineva mă poate ajuta?

  Multumesc anticipat

6 răspunsuri:
| IsabelaIssa a răspuns:

Eu inteleg spaniola dar nu vorbesc foarte bine pentru ca vorbesc greaca. Incearca sa nu folosesti prea mult google translate pentru ca nu traduce corect. Daca ai facebook, acolo poti socializa cu multa lume si poti invata limba romana. Esti in Romania? De ce esti aici si de cand, daca nu te superi.

| pablo69benidorm explică (pentru IsabelaIssa):

Eu nu sunt în Spania

| pablo69benidorm explică (pentru IsabelaIssa):

Ești grecesc?

| IsabelaIssa a răspuns (pentru pablo69benidorm):

Sunt romanca, dar vorbesc si greaca.

| pablo69benidorm explică (pentru IsabelaIssa):

Am putea învăța limba spaniolă, dacă învață-mă română.

| Danzell a răspuns:

Eu nu stiu sa vorbesc spaniola insa o inteleg cat de cat. in engleza sunt ok. asa ca ma poti intreba in engleza.

limba o practici vorbind.

As a first exercise. try to correct your mistakes in what you wrote above.
Search about genders in substantives, about conjugation in verbs.

Since Spanish and romanian have common roots, its easy to understand by associating similar words like:

you also need to familiarise with the diacritics we use. we have 5
ă is similar to the english "an" (without the n pronounced) for ex „an Apple.( notice how the a from an is lower toned than the a from Apple? thats ă for us.

â and î are pronounced the same but they are used differently. these 2 are even lower toned (unfortunately i cant find a proper sound to associate) so you have to ask someone to tell you a word with that letter)
when you write a word that has these 2 letters, î is always used in words that start with the sound, like
împărat (emperador),
început (comenzado,(as in beginnings))
â is used when you hear the sound inside the word like

here are some examples that have both letters used.the same rules as above are applied.
încântat (encantado)
întâi (primera(as being the first))

ș is pronounced like the sh letters from "show"
example: șarpe=sierpe
a ști (conozca)

ț is somewhat similar to how ts from tsunami is pronounced.
înțelept=sabio(as in wiseman)

PS. î is also written when the words end with it
also î is maintained when a prefix is added to the word starting with î like
neînceput(sin aprovechar)

i hope this helps a bit. the best thing though is to find a teacher usually here, private language lessons aren't that expensive.