| Paulutzu a întrebat:

Cine imi traduce si mie asta la engleza Când am făcut prima dată listening a fost in clasa a 5-a dar nu am înteles mare lucru. Mie mi s-a părut dificil ce ne-a dat doamna profesoara insa întelegeam doar câteva cuvinte sau expresii ce le invatasem in acea vreme. Acum in clasa a 9a inteleg in proportie de 40% dar nu e usor. M-am gandit ca trebuie sa ai o minte agera in asa fel incat sa iti vina repede in cap traducerea. In clasa a 5a am facut multa gramatica de aceea am ascultat doar de vreo 2 ori insa nu am inteles mare lucru. In clasa a 6-a am facut cu aceiasi profesoara din clasa a 5a dar am facut putin mai multa literatura si listening. In clasa a 7a nu imi aduc aminte daca am facut listening deoarece s-a schimbat profesoara, iar in clasa a 8a profesoara vorbea foarte mult in engleza la ora in proportie de 85% si am facut mult listening. In clasa a 8a doamna profesoara venea cu laptopul si ne prezenta unele power pointuri si chiat video in engleza. Multe pozae din America si faceam listening pe baza de exercitii din manual?

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| deiutza30 a răspuns:

When I was first listening was in 5th grade but I did not understand much. Seemed difficult to me that she gave us understand the teacher but a few words or phrases that you learned in that time. Now in ninth grade in 40% understand but not easy. I thought it must have a quick mind so that you come quickly to head translation. In fifth grade I did a lot of grammar that I have heard only about 2 times but I did not understand much. In 6th grade I did the same teacher in fifth grade but I did a little more literature and listening. In seventh grade I remember not listening because if I did changed teacher and 8th grade English teacher talked a lot in at a rate of 85% and did more listening. In eighth grade teacher Mrs. came with your laptop and we have some power point varieties and Chiat video in English. Many picture of America and was based listening exercises in the manual? give fundamental

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