| Paulutzu a întrebat:

Cine imi traduce si mie asta in engleza dar nu cu dictionarul ...Profesoara din clasa a 8a se impunea foarte mult si ii placea dar profesoarei din clasa a 7a nu prea ii placea sa se complice cu casetofoane sau altceva.Imi aduc aminte bine cand in clasa a 8a doamna profesoara a venit cu telefonul si 2 boxe si am facut exercitiu de ascultare. Era foarte interesant si chiar imi placea modul cum vorbea adica vorbea in engleza uneori si dupa ce vorbea traducea pentru cei ce nu intelegeau.

1 răspuns:
| VladimirPutin a răspuns:

8th grade teacher was necessary and very much loved 7th grade teacher but hardly liked to be complicit with decks or altceva.Imi remember well when Mrs. eighth grade teacher came with the phone and two speakers and I made listening exercise. It was very interesting and I really like how that is speaking in English speaking sometimes translated as he spoke for those who did not understand