| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Buna ziua, am si eu o intrebare, de ce oamenii ne mint ca invermectina nu e buna impotriva virusului covid?
In Africa, in Egipt mai exact, a fost un amic si acolo practic corona aproape a disparut pentru ca oamenii se trateaza cu asa ceva.

37 răspunsuri:
| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AndreeaWTS):

Nu ma intereseaza ce s-a intamplat in familia ta. Ceva este fapt stiintific abia dupa ce este recunoscut pe larg de comunitatea stiintifica. Pretentia ca Ivermectina trateaza Covid nu este recunoscuta de catre comunitatea stiintifica.


| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AndreeaWTS):

„If students of the nature of science are in agreement on anything, it is that science is a communal activity. The individual scientist may indeed formulate a particular theory explaining some phenomenon. But that explanation does not really enter the domain of science until it has been scrutinized, criticized, and tested by his or her colleagues in the relevant discipline. And, when the colleagues in a particular scientific discipline are in well-nigh complete agreement on the validity of some given explanation, it comes close to a form of scientific lunacy to proclaim the learned majority opinion wrong and to advocate some explanation that they emphatically reject. This is not to say that the majority is always right. As "scientific" creationists and advocates of other pseudoscientific explanations never tire of pointing out, there have been a number of explanations that at one time have been rejected by the scientific community only to have later been demonstrated to be valid. Invariably ignored by those who make this argument is the fact that the number of such cases is miniscule compared to the number of cases in which the original negative judgment of the scientific community was subsequently and totally corroborated. Indeed, in the twisted logic of this sort of argument, it would seem that the truth value of any idea increases with the degrees to which it is rejected by the scientific community!"
—Leon H. Albert, "Scientific" Creationism as a Pseudoscience

| AndreeaWTS a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

laughing Ok.
La asta nu mai am argumente. Și nici n-aș vrea să am.
Credem în lucruri mult prea diferite.
N-are sens să ne mai consumăm energia.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AndreeaWTS):

Eu cred in treceri in revista indexate pentru MEDLINE.

| doctorandus a răspuns:

Astia care-ti cer sa renegi avizele FDA si EMA sufera de ideatie paranoida.

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AndreeaWTS):

Pentru a nu lua in calcul si a pune pe aceeasi treapta tot felul de teorii filosofice, avem la dispozitie anumite instrumente, precum:
- briciul lui Occam: explicatiile simple sunt mai probabile a fi corecte, decat cele care au presupuneri suplimentare
- briciul lui Hitchens: ce poate fi afirmat fara dovezi, poate fi infirmat fara dovezi
- sabia laser inflacarata a lui Newton: ce nu poate fi dovedit experimental sau pe baza observatiei nu merita a fi dezbatut.