| vlladd a întrebat:

M-am trezit cu o buna parte din fisierele de pe calculatorul meu CODATE cu extensia. police. Am gasit si un mesaj intr-un fisier text

You id

If you are reading this warning.txt file, it means that your computer and IP address were suspected of copyright violation and unauthorized access to the licensed software.

All files located on your hard discs have been encrypted. Note to self: do not try to rename any files or alter their contents since it may lead to the inability of their subsequent decryption.

The copyrights are protected and governed by the articles 17 U.S.C. § 102, § 107, § 108, § 109? § 501 of the United States of America legislation.

Violation of the above noted laws is subject to either the money penalty of $300.000 or a 10-year term of imprisonment.

You have 48 hours in order to pay an indemnity to the copyright holders,

otherwise the US law enforcement community will have to file a lawsuit against you.

In order to pay the indemnity you need to purchase a MoneyPak with nominal value of 100 dollars.

For Europe users is other way for payment - paymer check (www.paymer.com) You can purchase Paymer codes in any

exchange service such as www.buywmz.com www.exwp.org and many others.

The code shall be sent to unlock@fbilock.net using your e-mail.

You can purchase MoneyPak codes in any Walmart, CVS/Pharmacy, Kmart or Walgreens store.

As soon as we receive the code, you will be sent an application which is going to decrypt all infected files on your computer.

Ce credeti ca este cu asta? Ma gandesc ca poate este vreun virus, sau oare este adevarat ce scrie aici? Voi ce credeti?

Răspuns Câştigător
| djdani1 a răspuns:

Ai vreun antivirus instalat? Da este un virus care iti blocheaza fisierele si te obliga sa platesti.Insteala repede bitdefender 2013 trial si dupa dai o scanare.

3 răspunsuri:
| vlladd explică (pentru djdani1):

In ordine, multumesc mult. Imi pot recupera fisierele blocate cumva?

| djdani1 a răspuns (pentru vlladd):

Da! Daca bitdefender gaseste virusul dai click dreapta pe el si il pui pe quartine.

| AntIG a răspuns:

Think i have found a fix for this :

i went to :

ftp://ftp.drweb.com/pub/drweb/tools/te94decrypt.exe and saved the download file te94decrypt.exe into my c:/ directory.

then i clicked start, run and put in the box :

c:\te94decrypt.exe k 186

and ran the file.

it decrypted my. police files and created a new copy alongside them that opened fine.

Have also heard from someone else with same. police problem who had to use c:\te94decrypt.exe k 85