| david139 a întrebat:

am o problema cu conectiunea la internet (cade internetu foarte des) am internet de la UPC windows 7. iar cand dau troubleshoot imi apare acest mesaj: Your boardband modem is experiencing conectivity issues
Restart your broadband modem:
1. unplug turn off the modem.
2. afteer all the lights on the modem are off, wait at least 10 seconds.
3. turn the modem on or plug it back into the power outlet.
To restart a modem that has a built-in battery press and quickly release the reset button.If this
doesn't fix the problem, contact your internet service provider.am uramt pasi dar tot nu se rezolva nimic.ar trebui sa contactez firma de internet? dau funda.

1 răspuns:
| robytoby a răspuns:

Asa a facut mereu, sau de ceva timp merge asa?