| dixi9516 a întrebat:

Dau fundita si voturi daca imi traduceti textul asta in engleza:``Sheila se intreaba cine ar putea fi strainul din fata usii. I se parea ca il cunoaste de undeva, dar nu-si putea aminti de unde. Dupa cateva minute de gandire isi da seama ca il vazuse la tv la stiri deoarece evadase din inchisoare.
Sheila nu stia ce sa faca deoarece strainul suna la usa in mod exasperant.
Fata a trimis un mesaj mamei ei prin care ii comunica sa sune la politie si sa vina la ea la apartament.Intre timp, pentru a nu sparge usa, Sheila s-a decis sa-i raspunda si sa spuna ca dormea si nu a auzit soneria.
Barbatul intra in casa fara voia Sheilei si o ameninta cu un cutit ca daca nu va face cum spune el, va avea de suferit.Mai intai ii spune sa inchida usa si ii explica planul: daca politistii va bate la usa ei si o vor intreba de un fugar, va trebui sa le spuna ca nu a vazut pe nimeni. Mama Sheilei suna la politie si anunta de un caz grav cum ca fiica ei i-a trimis un mesaj prin care ii spunea sa cheme politia. Politistii au venit la femeie acasa si mergand pe drum, acestia vad ca fata femeii sta chiar in blocul unde s-a anuntat ca fugarul periculos a intrat.Imediat si-au dat seama de ce trebuiau sa faca. Femeia le-a spus ca Sheila, fiica ei, sta la etajul 1.Astfel, politistii au luat o scara si au urcat pe balcon.
Intrand in casa, fugarul este prins de politisti si dus la sectie.``

Dupa cum stiti unii nu ma prea pricep la tradus in engleza.va rog urgent! dar nu dupa google traducere va rog

Răspuns Câştigător
| Askaw0w a răspuns:

Sheila is wondering who might be alien in front usii.I seemed that he knows from somewhere, but could not remember thinking unde. Dupa few minutes he realizes that he had seen the news on TV since escaped from prison.

Sheila did not know what to do because the door to a stranger call exasperating.

The girl sent a message that her mother call the police to notify them and come at it from apartament.Intre time to not break the door, Sheila decided to answer him and say that he was sleeping and did not hear the ringer.

Man will enter the house without Sheila and threaten with a knife as if he did not do as he says, will be the first suferit.Mai tells him to shut the door and explains the plan: if the police will knock on her door and will ask a fugitive, you have to say that he did not see anyone. Sheila mom call the police and announce a serious case as her daughter sent him a message telling him to call politia. Politistii the woman came home and going on the road, they see that woman sitting right in front of the block where it was announced as a dangerous fugitive intrat.Imediat have realized what they had to faca. Femeia said Sheila, her daughter sitting on the floor 1.Astfel, police took a ladder and climbed on the balcony.

Entering the house, the fugitive is caught by police and taken to t

5 răspunsuri:
| ๔ღILoVeRaPღ๔ a răspuns:

Sheila is wondering who might be alien in front usii.I seemed that he knows from somewhere, but could not remember thinking unde. Dupa few minutes he realizes that he had seen the news on TV since escaped from prison. Sheila did not know what to do because the door to a stranger call exasperating. The girl sent a message that her mother call the police to notify them and come at it from apartament.In the time to not break the door, Sheila decided to answer him and say that has not slept.

Man will enter the house without Sheila and threaten with a knife as if he did not do as he says, will be the first suferit.Mai tells him to shut the door and explains the plan: if the police will knock on her door and will ask a fugitive, you have to say that he did not see anyone. Sheila mom call the police and announce a serious case as her daughter sent him a message telling him to call the police. Police came to the woman home and going on the road, they see that woman sitting right in front of the block where it was announced that a dangerous fugitive intrat.Imediat have realized what they had to faca. Femeia said Sheila, daughter her sit on the floor 1.Astfel, police took a ladder and climbed on the balcony. Entering the house, the fugitive is caught by police and taken to the station.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu pot sa cred ca le-ai dat funda si folositor lu astia 2 de mai sus. E penibil! Fix cu Google Translator ti-au tradus. E de plans ceea ce vad, rusinos!

| Askaw0w a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Taci fa prosta dracu!

| Askaw0w a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Taci fa prosta dreacu!

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru Askaw0w):

Prost e ala care crede ca in engleza la "usa" se zice "usa" si nu "door", la "strain" - "alien" (care inseamna extraterestru apropo) si nu "stranger", si muuulte multe alte greseli de genul acesta...sa nu mai vorbim de greselile gramaticale.