| anonim_2758 a întrebat:

Sal TPU fundita plz cine stie bine engleza...va rog nu e greu traduceti-mi astap plz:

Buna.Ma numesc x si am x ani.Sunt foarte entuziasmat sa aflu mai mutle despre tine.

Eu am un frate de 18 ani care locuieste cu mine.Pe mama mea o cheama x.Imi place sa inot, sa mananc, rolele, bicicleta, in special sa stau pe calculator si cu prieteni.

Mi-a placut mult cadoul tau si multumesc. Abia astept sa imi scrii prietene.

Cu drag

8 răspunsuri:
| Spanac a răspuns:

Hi. My name is x and i have x years. I'm so excited to know about you.

I have one brother have 18 years and he live with me. My mother's name is x. I like swim, i like eat, skating, cycling, especially i like stay on computer and stay with my friends.

I liked you're pressent and thank you.

With love,


Nu am stiut partea cu Abia astept sa imi scrii prietene.


| ixionJR a răspuns:

Hi. My name is x and I'm x years old. I'm very curious to know something about you. I have a brother big than me who have 18 years and we live together. My mother's name is x. I like to swim, to eat candy, to ride bike's especially to talk with friends and spend time on PC. I realy like your gift and i thank you for it. Keep in touch and don't forget to write to me. Your x

| Suzzy_5903 a răspuns:

Hi.My name is X and I have X years old. I am very excited to know more about you. I have a brother who lives with me, he gave 18 years old.My mother`s name is X. I like swimming, eating, skating, cycling, especially to sit on computer and with my friends. I liked your gift. I wait to write me. With love X... Da si tu o funda acolo:X

| username23 a răspuns:

Hello! My name is X, I have X years. I am very glad to know about you more.
I have a brother, he has 18 years and live with me. My mother`s name is X. I love to swim, eat, rollers, bicycle, in special to stay at the computer and with my friends.
I like your present, and thank you! I`m waiting your letter!
With love, X!

| username23 a răspuns:

Daca mai apr itnrebari poti sa te folosesti de www.traduno.com, de care sa folosit si PrettyBunny din cite vad! Good luck!

| d33a a răspuns:

Hi! My name is x and I am x years old. I am very excited to find out more about you. I have a eighteen years old brother, who lives with me.My mother`s name is x. I like swimming, eating,, rolls, cycling, especially spending time at Pc and spending time with my friends. I liked very much your gift and thank you. I can`t wait to write to me, my friend. With all my love, x.

| yellowalien a răspuns:

Hi. my name is x and i'm x years old. I'm so excited to hear more about you. I have a brother who is 18 years old and who lives with me. My mother's name is x. I ike swimming, eating, skating, cycling and especially i like to stay on my computer and also with my friends.
I liked very much that present from you and I want to thank you! I can't wait for you to write to me, my friend!

With love,

| thegreatgatsby a răspuns:

Corect este :

Hi. My name is x and i'm x years old. I'm very excited to find out more things about you. I have a brother who is 18 years old, and lives with me. My mother's name is x. I like swimming, eating, skating, cycling, especially hanging out my friends and sitting at the computer. Thank you for the gift, I really liked it.
I can't wait to hear from you, my friend.
Love, x