| Alexandrache_Stefan_2000 a întrebat:

am o problema, un prieten mi-a imprumutat un CD cu niste jocuri si dupa ce le-am pus pe PC, dupa ceva timp am observat ca nu mai puteam accesa Task Manager, m-am uitat la multe tutoriale in care imi spunea sa scriu ceva la Run dar mi-a disparut si RUN-ul odata cu Task Manager ce sa facsad

Răspuns Câştigător
| N0xEterniS a răspuns:

100 %! Cat timp e o problema legata de windows, daca-l reinstalezi, stergand totul, nu o sa mai ai problema big grin

3 răspunsuri:
| N0xEterniS a răspuns:

Pentru WINDOWS 7 ->> http://en.kioskea.net/......start-menu


With the XP Start Menu...
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button |
Advanced tab | Scroll down and check:
? Run command | OK | Apply | OK

With the Classic Start Menu...
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button |
Check:? Display Run | OK | Apply | OK

If you have XP Pro and the above did not work...

Start | Run | Type: gpedit.msc | OK |

Navigate to >>>

User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Start Menu and Taskbar
Remove Run menu from Start Menu
Set to Not Configured.

[[Allows you to remove the Run command from the Start menu, Internet
Explorer, and Task Manager.

If you enable this setting, the following changes occur:
(1) The Run command is removed from the Start menu.
(2) The New Task (Run) command is removed from Task Manager.
(3) The user will be blocked from entering the following into the Internet

Explorer Address Bar:
--- A UNC path: \\\
---Accessing local drives: e.g., C:
--- Accessing local folders: e.g., \temp>

Also, users with extended keyboards will no longer be able to display the
Run dialog box by pressing the Application key (the key with the Windows
logo) + R.

If you disable or do not configure this setting, users will be able to
access the Run command in the Start menu and in Task Manager and use the
Internet Explorer Address Bar.

Note:This setting affects the specified interface only. It does not prevent
users from using other methods to run programs.

Note: It is a requirement for third-party applications with Windows 2000 or
later certification to adhere to this setting.]]

| Alexandrache_Stefan_2000 explică (pentru N0xEterniS):

Mda nu am gaist nimic din ce scria acolosad
daca reinstalez Windowsul voi scapa de asta?

| Alexandrache_Stefan_2000 explică (pentru N0xEterniS):

Bine multumesc pentru sfaturihappy