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Hei! Mi'am restartat Windows'ul acum cateva zile si mi-am downloadat "imvu" din nou, nu'mai ca dupa ce s-a instalat nu imi mai mergea.Am incercat de mai multe ori dar degeaba.Cand intru in joc imi apare o fereastra in care scrie:IMVUQualityAgent.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.If you were in the middle of something, the informaion you were working on might be lost.Please tell Microsoft about this poblem.We have created an error raport that you cas send to us.We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.Inteleg ce zice, dar tot nu stiu de ce apare chestia asta.Ma puteti ajuta, ce sa fac sa'mi mearga din nou imvu?!